boo casino As Malaysia’s VEP policy kicks in, what can Singapore drivers expect?
Updated:2024-10-08 04:00 Views:103
SINGAPORE/JOHOR BAHRU: The implementation of Malaysia’s Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) policy requirements for Singapore cars kick in from Tuesday (Oct 1).
Here is what Singapore drivers can expect when they drive into Malaysia:
Those without VEP can still enter Malaysia
The Malaysia government had previously said that the VEP would be enforced on Oct 1, and that motorists who fail to install VEP may be fined up to RM2,000 (US$484) or jailed for up to six months.
But on Sep 27, Malaysia announced that foreign-registered vehicles which have yet to install VEP tags will still be allowed to enter the country.
JPJ said that the enforcement will be "executed in phases" and that drivers with no VEP will be issued a reminder at the land borders to registerboo casino, install and activate their radio frequency identification (RFID) tags.
General view of the Johor-Singapore Causeway on May 23, 2024. (Photo: CNA/Zamzahuri Abas)