pop party online casino Chinese tech firms’ ‘digital humans’ who look and sound like you: What are their uses and pitfalls?
Updated:2024-10-08 02:50 Views:233
SHENZHEN: Singaporean educator and entrepreneur Andrew Chin can't wait to meet his new “digital human” – a virtual avatar of himself designed and created by Chinese internet giant Tencent.
His digital doppelganger will look and sound very much like him and will be programmed to speak an impressive four languages: English, Chinese, Thai and Bahasa Indonesia.
He plans to use the virtual avatar for public speeches and to have it also star in recorded video tutorials in place of himself, for his teaching and business cohorts at Singapore Management University as well as the Singapore University of Technology and Design.
“I’m not a professional. I can’t record or edit (myself) properly,” Mr Chin told CNA earlier this month at the Global Digital Ecosystem Summit held in Shenzhen. But using AI technologypop party online casino, recorded text and speech will then be transformed into engaging videos.
A screenshot of the digital human created for Singaporean educator Andrew Chin, as seen by CNA, for the Tsinghua SEM Singapore Alumni Gathering held at the Carlton Hotel on Sep 27, 2024. (Image: Andrew Chin)